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Brightcove Social Sharing for Youtube

Easily publish VOD and live videos in your Video Cloud account out to YouTube


Using Brightcove Social for YouTube you can:
• View your published videos
• Publish videos
• Publish live videos
• Automatically sync videos
• Create publishing destinations
• Review analytics

How it works

You must first create a YouTube channel where you want to publish videos.
Open the social module, select a video to publish and select destination (YouTube).


Support and Resources

Support for this integration is delivered by Brightcove. Please check out the Knowledge Base link for more details.

Compatible With:

Brightcove Live
Brightcove Beacon
Brightcove Player
Brightcove Video Cloud

Integration Type

Brightcove Powered

Partner Relationship

Compatible With:

Brightcove Live
Brightcove Beacon
Brightcove Player
Brightcove Video Cloud

Integration Type

Brightcove Powered

Partner Relationship